3 Techniques For Fixing A Toilet When It Backs Up

Have a toilet that is backing up and you're not sure what to do about it? If so, it will help to know the following tips to fix it. Stop The Toilet From Overflowing The first thing you need to know is how to stop the toilet from overflowing and causing water to overflow onto your floor. This can best be done by removing the top cover from the tank and pushing the flapper down with your hand so that it forms a seal with the drain. [Read More]

Questions To Ask Before Your Septic Tank Is Pumped Out

Your septic tank helps to treat all the wastewater you produce in your home. This boosts hygiene and promotes environmental conservation. However, your tank cannot function effectively without proper maintenance. You need to get a technician to inspect and handle septic tank pumping when the tank is full. This saves you money, increases the septic tank's lifespan, and ensures that wastewater is treated efficiently. But before you can get this septic tank service, it's imperative to know what to expect. [Read More]

A New Homeowner's Guide For Dealing With A Backed-Up Toilet

A backed-up toilet bowl won't drain as it should. It may even overflow, filling up with unwanted sewage. If you're a new renter or homeowner, this may be the first time you've experienced this issue, but don't panic. You just need to take action to mitigate the damage and resolve the issue as soon as you can. Here is a step-by-step guide you can follow when dealing with a backed-up toilet. [Read More]

4 Situations Portable Toilets Are Awesome For

When the average person thinks about a portable toilet, they typically tend to think about the units often used at large concerts or local parks, and this typically isn't a favorable view. However, portable toilets are a lot more than this. In fact, there are likely a number of ways you can use these units than you may even realize. Here are just a handful of the ways you can probably use a portable toilet. [Read More]